Thursday, June 30, 2011

While we were sleeping (aka the power of social networking and incredible blessing of good friends)

After posting my last blog and linking it to my Facebook page, we tucked ourselves in for a dvd episode of The Sopranos and an oscillating fan to even out the night noise of askaris changing shifts and traffic heating up on UN Avenue.

And while we were sleeping, the interwebs were hard at work, carrying our plea out to generous friends everywhere!

I am humbled and amazed to report today that not only have we been able to cover the cost of the maps we requested, but we have been able to order EVERYTHING on the Cura Primary School’s wish list. Pledges have varied in size, but the largest portion was one that resulted from wonderful Marte’s birthday party and her request for donations instead of gifts. That brings our total to US$1650 at the moment… far more money than we anticipated. I am deeply grateful.

I am grateful, too, to the book seller (Savani Book Center, Ltd at Westgate, for those of you in Nairobi who might be able to give him more business) we’re working with – after hearing what our purchases are for, he offered a deep discount on everything. I guess he couldn’t help but catch the fever, too!

Those who have pledged these funds can expect a complete reporting of how they will be spent, but know this for now: we can purchase ALL of the textbooks requested, ALL of the storybooks requested, ALL of the maps requested, ALL of the encyclopedias requested, ALL of the calculators requested… and we’ll even have some left over. We can’t wait to see the looks on the faces of the teachers tomorrow when we arrive with a taxi overloaded with much-needed and long-awaited materials.

Watch for photos…


1 comment:

  1. Thank you everyone for your generosity. It makes an incredible difference in the academic lives of the kids of Cura Primary School.
