Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Rains Down in Aaaaaafrica

We're having a lazy Nairobi Sunday, but I didn't want to miss a day of blogging...

Although my initial goals for the day included hardly more than sleeping in and reading by a pool, the sunshine at noon eventually devolved into ominous clouds that forced me inside. It's a good thing, too, since I got a lot of Cura-related emails written and made sense of the illogically sequenced and illegible scribbles I've made during our meetings all week.

As the ominous clouds turned into power-outage-inducing thunder, and the thunder turned into the kind of rain that even Seattle-ites like me can't really fathom, I took the time to be thankful for two things:

1. that the generator here at the UN compound (where we've set up camp for the afternoon's shelter and internet access) is fully functional... and

2. that this torrent will serve to replenish the water supply in Cura, if only temporarily.

Water is the word on everybody's lips there, and the notable lack of sufficient rain impacts everything. I don't actively bless much, but I bless this rain. Cue Toto soundtrack...


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