I have three exciting announcements regarding Cura-fundraising, and a plea for your help spreading the word.
One is a reminder about the Safari Nights event coming up next weekend: 19 November in Los Angeles. It's not too late to buy tickets, so please consider joining us!
The second is a new Kickstarter campaign we're thrilled to be part of: it's One World Chorus and its plan to connect with the children in Cura in 2012.
Please don't miss this amazing original song by Aaron Nigel Smith and the information about the program we're implementing for music education and global communication for Cura Village!
The third announcement is an invitation to a holiday event ho
sted by our friends at Burning Torch, also in Los Angeles. Burning Torch, Inc. has been a generous supporter of our work in the past, and the fashion
company is making Cura Orphanage the recipient of its holiday cheer this year. Please consider joining us there, too, on 8 December: